Certified Life Coach and Psychic Consultant
Intuitive, Medium and Channeling Services
Psychic Readings, Medium and Channeling Services, Certified Life Coach. Connects to individual's Souls for accurate, personalized advice about their life path.When faced with a need for answers, Lori Niell can help you access your own soul for guidance.
Your Soul or Higher Self is always communicating with you, nudging you along your spiritual path.
Some people sense their guidance only subtly, some not at all, while others have experienced traumatic life events or near death experiences that have opened up their intuitive awareness and communication with their Higher Self more than they ever thought possible.
In all cases, our Higher Selves, Spirit Guides, or however you choose to refer to them, are always present and willing to communicate the messages that are delivered for our benefit.
Lori Niell can help you unfold your awareness and interpret the messages your Soul is offering so that you can courageously move forward with your life's mission.